
Thursday, 17 July 2014

DIY Lip Exfoliant

The easiest way I find to make your own lip exfoliant is by using a lip balm you don't really use, I used the Lipstick Queen Chocolate Orange Lip Balm. You can get these from Superdrug and they come in a pack of all different flavours. Use one that is in a jar would be easiest. 
So the first thing you do is too scoop the balm out of the jar and put them into a small glass or something like that, then start to add sugar, add as much or little sugar as you wish. I like to add quite a lot of sugar as I find it's more exfoliating. Once you have it how you like it, put it back in the jar and you have your own Lip Exfoliater! It is so easy to do and you have it as you like it.

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